The Iraqi Institute for Dialogue Pavilion at Baghdad International Book Fair Hosted a Book Signing Ceremony “ A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The Saudi Struggle for Iraq” by Katherine Harvey.

As part of the activities of the Baghdad International Book Fair at its twenty‐third session, The Iraqi Institute for Dialogue Pavilion hosted a book signing ceremony for “ A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The Saudi Struggle for Iraq” by Dr. Katherine Harvey.
Sponsored by Dr. Abbas Radhi Al Ameri, Director of the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue. A signing book ceremony was held at The Iraqi Institute for Dialogue Pavilion.

The event was attended by several readers as well as many well-known public personalities.
Harvey highlighted the importance of her book, which is at present on display at the Institute’s Pavilion only in the English version.
Harvey investigates the geopolitical rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran that has dominated the headlines. Many have charted the polarization between a Saudi-led Sunni camp and an Iranian-led Shia one, assuming that a predominantly Shia state like Iraq would automatically ally with Iran. In this compelling account, Katherine Harvey tells a different story: Iraq’s alignment with Iran was not a foregone conclusion. Rather, Saudi efforts to undermine Iran have paradoxically empowered it.
Dr. Katherine Harvey thanked and appreciated the efforts of the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue for hosting her book signing ceremony.