The International Conference on Climate’s Organizing Committee Meets Iraq’s higher Education Minister and Extends an invitation to his Excellency
The international conference on Climate’s organizing committee has met Mr Naeem Al-Aboudi, Iraq’s Minister of Higher Education. The conference that will be held in early November this year is organized by the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue along with the College of Political Science/ Baghdad University.
The committee has walked his excellency through the details of the upcoming conference. The conference, which carries the title “Iraq’s and Climate change: Security and Developmental Repercussions”, will be attended by seven heads of state from around the world along with the participation of several institutes, organizations and individuals concerned with climate change issues.
Mr Aboudi has lauded the efforts of the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue and the Baghdad University’s political science college in organizing this conference, emphasising the importance of concentrating on the issue of climate change which has become the decisive issue of our age”.
The organizing committee continues its work and preparations to hold the international conference on climate change and extends invitations for participation in the conference whose events will span for two days.